Here are lsnrctl command :
LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 12-PEB-2008 18:56:26
Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
The following operations are available
An asterisk (*) denotes a modifier or extended command:
start stop status
services version reload
save_config trace change_password
quit exit set*
The following commands are used to manage the listener:
- start – Starts the listener with the name specified, otherwise LISTENER will be used. For Windows systems, the listener can also be started from the Control Panel.
- stop – Stops the listener. For Windows systems, the listener can also be stopped from the Control Panel.
- status – Provides status information about the listener, including start date, uptime, and trace level.
- services – Displays each service available, along with the connection history.
- version – Displays the version information of the listener.
- reload – Forces a read of the configuration file in order for new settings to take effect without stopping and starting the listener.
- save_config – Creates a backup of the existing listener.ora file and saves changes to the current version.
- trace – Sets the trace level to one of the following – OFF, USER, ADMIN, or SUPPORT.
- spawn – Spawns a program that runs with an alias in the listener.ora file.
- dbsnmp_start – Starts the DBSNMP subagent.
- dbsnmp_stop – Stops the DBSNMP subagent.
- dbsnmp_status – Displays the status of the DBSNMP subagent.
- change_password – Sets a new password for the listener.
- quit and exit – Exits the utility.
- set – Changes the value of any parameter. Everything that can be shown can be set.
- show – Displays current parameter settings.