In order to connect to SQL*Server from Oracle, you must do several things:
- Install ODBC drivers for the SQL*Server database. The drivers are installed on your laptop or on the server that contains the Oracle code tree.
- Setup the ODBC connection on your laptop using the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator
- Test the ODBC drivers to ensure that connectivity is made to the non-Oracle database.
- Ensure the Global_names parameter is set to False in the Oracle database.
- Configure the Hetergeneous services. This consists of creating an initodbc.ora file within the Oracle
- Oracle database installation.
- Modify the Listener.ora file on the database installation to connect to the Oracle instance and ODBC drivers.
- Modify the Tnsnames.ora file to point to the proper code tree.
- Reload the listener
- Create a database link on the Oracle installation.
- Run a Select statement for the Oracle installation using the database link.