A SAVEPOINT is a marker within a transaction that allows for a partial rollback. As changes are made in a transaction, we can create SAVEPOINTs to mark different points within the transaction. If we encounter an error, we can rollback to a SAVEPOINT or all the way back to the beginning of the transaction.
In the example above, I inserted a row into the AUTHOR table and created a SAVEPOINT called in_author. Next, I inserted a row into the book_author table and created another SAVEPOINT called in_book_author. Finally, I inserted a row in the BOOK table. I then issued a ROLLBACK to in_author.SQL> INSERT INTO AUTHOR
2 VALUES ('X123', 'mister',
3 'popo', '62-274-4567',
4 'jl sudirman', 'jakarta',
5 'JKBKJ','10001', '9999');
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint in_author;
Savepoint created.
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint in_book_author;
Savepoint created.SQL> INSERT INTO BOOK
2 VALUES ('B130', 'P002', 'how to make love',
3 'miscellaneous', 9.95, 1000, 15, 0, '',
4 to_date ('02-20-2007','MM-DD-YYYY'));
1 row created.
SQL> rollback to in_author;
Rollback complete.
Row locks are NOT released by SETTING a savepoint. Row locks are release by one of three events - commit, rollback, or rollback to savepoint. My argument is that Oracle does not handle the latter well.
- If transaction A updates row 1, sets a savepoint, and updates row 2 (but does not as yet commit). Then transaction B wishes to update row 2.
- Transaction B will correctly block on the commit or rollback of transaction A.
- However, if transaction A does a rollback to savepoint, it will continue to have hold a lock on row 1 (but not row 2).
- In fact a third transaction can now update row 2 (as it's not locked by transaction A).
- However, our poor transaction B, is still waiting (incorrectly) for transaction A to commit or rollback.
Imagine what could happen when by issuing a savepoint the lock of an standing transaction would be released, and another transaction would change 'my' row, and then I do a full rollback.